Noticed while paying bills tonight:
- My Verizon (FiOS + Wireless) bill for the month is somehow up $0.09 and so 0.09 cents multiplied by 87 million customers* is like $7,830,000 more dollars for Verizon. And no one will bother to see what fee just changed, and Verizon knows that. Asshats.
(*87 million customers is a number from a 2010 Verizon press release online)
Also, the disconnect continues:
- An ING savings account changed percentages again. It is now 0.80 APR. It drops every month.
- A current Chase Visa interest rate is 12.24 APR, with $35 late fee, and possible 29.99 ‘penalty APR’ — 37.5 TIMES the savings rate.
That should be criminal. It was once.
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WTF does WTF stand for???