02. May 2012 · Write a comment · Categories: WTF

I ditched RoboForm kinda, because it had some annoyances  such as being unclear which password was being offered for a site, or having it ask to save or use  at awkward times, or completely losing track of sites that change from one page to some java or flash popup crap.  And I blame the sites, too. They keep annoying me too.

So I tried LastPass. It worked OK in a test or two, but I find the same problems with it as RoboForm, and in addition it doesn’t let me ever see the underlying actual password/login combo in clear text like RoboForm did.

NOW I am torn about moving back, because RoboForm might be doing a switcheroo to something similar with their online offer for something.If you have either and can mention options or how-to examples, please comment here! (And Thanks!)

More rubbish is the norm.

02. May 2012 · Write a comment · Categories: WTF

So, I’m thinking about how much I hate the beastie boys when their song comes up on the radio and then I thought about how I don’t really do current stuff like I used to, like Twitter or Facebook. And then I think about how they aren’t marketing to me anyway, but young people, but many of the ones I know at work in their 30’s don’t either and then I realize they aren’t the ones for that market either. And then I think my friend with the new grandchild isn’t either, but maybe his daughter is. And then I think that my friends with kids had them rather later than traditionally happens. And then I think that if I had had kids when I was married they would be in their 30’s almost by now and then I thought, ok, have a beer and stop thinking.

Power out 3/31/2012 at3:15 pm
Back @ 4:55 PM (nearly 2 hours, on a cloudy, windless day???)

Everything on their website via my Verizon phone (3g) to try to see what the issue was was pretty much all 404 Page Not found crap.

We accept websites that are COMPLETELY USELESS to the customer.



Consumption, an archaic name for pulmonary tuberculosis

Everything is currently ‘consumer’ based. Not customer based, or user based. Consumers. Giant sucking vacuums mindlessly annihilating everything they touch. Human black holes, where nothing escapes their gluttonous pie-holes.


In the Digital arena NOTHING is consumed, besides a little electricity. If I have a CD or DVD and I toss it into a furnace, it is consumed. If I copy that CD or DVD to my hard drive or phone, absolutely NOTHING is consumed!! If I downloaded a Tune and then made a copy for my laptop and phone, NOTHING is consumed!  Media (ALL Media) need to stop calling digital sales and or licencing ‘consuming’ since nothing is used up!!

  • Except the coal that ran the boiler that turned the generator that moved the electrons that Jack used to magnetize a few bits.
  • And I won’t get into physics where nothing can ever be lost, E=MC² and all.

And please acknowledge that hearing or seeing (music or movies) doesn’t ‘consume’ anything either!

An old rhyme:
“TB or not TB. That is the question.
Consumption be done about it? A Corpse, a corpse!”

18. January 2012 · 2 comments · Categories: WTF

Noticed while paying bills tonight:

  • My Verizon (FiOS + Wireless) bill for the month is somehow up $0.09 and so 0.09 cents multiplied by 87 million customers* is like $7,830,000 more dollars for Verizon. And no one will bother to see what fee just changed, and Verizon knows that. Asshats.
    (*87 million customers is a number from a 2010 Verizon press release online)

Also, the disconnect continues:

  • An ING savings account changed percentages again. It is now 0.80 APR. It drops every month.
  • A current Chase Visa interest rate is 12.24 APR, with $35 late fee, and possible 29.99 ‘penalty APR’ — 37.5 TIMES the savings rate.

That should be criminal. It was once.

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Well, after about 4 years it was time.

Goodbye Net Objects Fusion – lets stick with Word-Press for now.